A New Millennium 2000

奔 To Run 1990

創世紀 Creation 1986

曙光 Dawn 1985

新紀元 A New Millenium 1999

奧運千禧之旅 Millennium Olympic Odessy : From Athens to Beijing 1999

煙火雨 Smoke Flower Rain 1999

火與冰 Fire and Ice (Triptych) 1990

渾 Confrontation 1983

Lone Boat in the Wilderness 1984

無言獨上西樓 In Silence I Walk Up the West Pavilion 1985

念天地之悠悠 Heaven and Earth 1999

雪狼湖 Snow Wolf Lake 1997

寒夜 Snowy Night 1997

Yosemeti on a Winter Night 1985

滶游 Among the Coral Reefs 1990

Yellow Mountain 1997

秋思Autumn Thoughts 1990

情未了 Unchained Melody 1997

珊瑚礁 Coral Reef 1983

雲山 Landscape 89 1989

在雲深處 Amidst the Clouds 1988

冬 Winter 1990

秋天的嘆息 Autumn's Sigh 1995

秋霞 Autumn's Aurora 1993

秋色 Autumn's Theme 1999

巴山蜀水 Landscape Szechuan 1988

伴 Companions 1989

石灘 Rock Beach 1990

遠山 Distant Mountains 1989

喜瑪拉雅系列 Himalayan Series:

I. 喜瑪拉雅山晨曦
I. Morning in the Himalayas 1997

II. 山雨欲來
II. Summer Storm 1993

III. 山城春曉
III. Spring in the Mountains 1993

IV. 魚尾峰晨曦
IV. Moon over Machapuchare 1994

V. 月滿魚尾峰
V.Moon Over Machapuchare 1993

VI. 喜瑪拉雅精神
VI. Himalayan Spirit 1990

VII. 喜瑪拉雅之夜
VII. Midnight Magic 1999

焰 Passion 1984

蓮想系列 Lotus Series:

I. 荷塘夜色
I. Midnight Lotus 1990

II. 春荷
II. The First Lotus 1994

III. 荷塘之夏
III. Summer Lotus 1989

IV. 蓮想
IV. Lotus Thoughts 1991

VI. 荷塘秋色
VI.Autumn Lotus

VII. 鏡花水月
VII. Amercian Lotus

生命網 Web of Life 1988

祝福 Celebration 1990

九七遠瞻 Vision 97 1997

千禧之旅:古文明新世紀 Millennium Odessy : Ancient Culture, New Century 1999

Sunset on the Nile 1999

飛向白雲深處 Amidst the Clouds 1997

汐 Tide 1997

浪韻篇 Ocean's Concerto :

I 加州戀曲
I. Califorina Love Song 1997

II 一起看海的日子
II. The Days of Watching the Ocean Together 1997

III 海上生明月 天涯共此時
III. Accross the Ocean I Think of You 1997

IV 曲終人不見 江上數峰青
IV. Finale 1997


潮 Waves 1997

冬林 A Winter Forest 1997

月夜 Moonlight in the Woodlands 1990

獨行 Promises to Keep 1990

漫漫長路 Into My Own 1997