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林文傑教授早年隨周士心、揚善深、趙少昂等大師學習中國書畫,又隨朱銘大師學習雕刻。他於一九八零年開創一種新畫法, 名為折光畫 (Chromoskedasic Painting),採用不同攝影液體在黑白相片紙上顯現不同色彩與效果,這是歷史上首次有系統地以光作畫的媒介,既可以作為中國畫的新工具,亦可用來作西方抽象或具象藝術之新媒介。一九九九年,林教授獲中國美術家協會、中央美術學院及北京故宮博物院選為「二十世紀中國畫壇上最具代表性與影響力的99位中國藝術家」之一。二零零一年,林教授接受北京釣魚台國賓館邀請,為其新建之「芳菲苑」畫兩幅巨作《九天銀河》 (四連屏8X8.8m)及《錦繡河山》。二零零八年及二零一一年,林教授兩次獲北京及倫敦奧運委員會邀請為特聘藝術家。二零零九年應「路易威登」藝術中心(Louis Vuitton Maison)邀請為紀念人類登陸月球四十週年創作的折光畫:〈宇宙探索之旅〉,為一個基金會於二零一零年以一百萬美元收購。二零一二年八月桂冠一日,其作品 《奥運千禧之旅II:從長城至泰晤士河 - 擁抱世界》更獲「2012倫敦奥林匹克美術大會」金牌。二零一三年,在香港藝術館創館總館長譚志誠的新書中林教授獲評香港當代八大藝術家之一。

  1. 1980年發明「折光畫」
  2. 1982年與張大千、趙少昂、關山月合繪「梅蘭竹芝圖」
  3. 1997年創「心靈書體」
  4. 1999年被中國美術家協會、中央美術學院及北京故宮博物院評選為二十世紀中國畫壇上「最具代表性與影響力的99位中國藝術家」之一
  5. 2001年為北京釣魚台國賓館繪製「九天銀河」(8x8.8米)及「錦繡河山」 (2.5x9.5米)
  6. 2004年為北京奧委會繪作「奧運精神:歡樂頌」
  7. 2005年開始創作「九宮圖」及「宇宙」系列
  8. 2008年應「北京奧運委員會」邀請,繪畫「奧運千禧之旅:從雅典到北京」
  9. 2009年為「路易威登藝術中心」個展創作「宇宙探索之旅」(1.2x15米),此作品以一佰萬美元成交,收益全數捐作慈善用途
  10. 2012年應「倫敦奧運委員會」邀請,繪畫「奧運千禧之旅:從長城至泰晤士河 ---- 擁抱世界」,此作品在奧運期間於倫敦Barbican Centre 展出,更獲得奧林匹克美術大會頒發「倫敦奧林匹克美術金牌」
  11. 2013 年獲香港藝術館創館總館長譚志成教授評選為「香港歷史最具代表性之八位藝術大師」之一
  12. 2013年應法國美術家協會邀請參加於法國羅浮宮之國際大師展

Professor Dominic Man-Kit Lam had professional training under Chinese masters including Professors Johnson Chow, Zhao Shao’ang, Yang Shanshen, Guan Shanyue and others in his early years. In 2000, Lam started to learn sculpture from Master Ju Ming. He invented a novel painting process named “Chromoskedasic Painting” or “NanoArt” in 1980. This process is based on light scattering and allows the artist to create color images using only black and white photographic paper and solutions, without any dye or pigment. This process also provides certain unique characteristics not easily attainable by other media, and can be considered a new medium for both Chinese and Western art. In 1999, Lam was selected as one of 99 most accomplished and influential artists in China in the 20th century by the Chinese Academy of Art, The Artist Association of China and the National Palace Museum of China. Lam was invited to paint two monumental art works: “A Galaxy on Earth” (8X8.8m) and “This Land is Our Land” for the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in 2001. In 2008 and 2011, Lam was invited by the Beijing Olympic Arts Committee and London Olympic Arts Committee as a featured artist for the 2008 & 2012 Olympic Games. Lam created “Voyage of Discovery: Universe”, a Chromoskedasic Painting for his solo exhibition at Louis Vuitton Maison in commemorating the 40th anniversary of Man on the Moon for the first time. This painting was acquired by a foundation for USD1, 000,000 in 2010. On August 1, 2012, his work “Millennium OdysseyⅡ: From the Great Wall to the River Thames -- Embrace the World” won a gold medal at the Olympic Fine Arts Exhibition in London. On March, 2013, Lam was selected one of the eight most important artists in the history of Hong Kong by Professor Laurence Tam, the Founding Chief Curator of the Hong Kong Museum of Art.

Dominic Man-Kit Lam’s Artistic Voyage
  1. 1980: Invented “Chromoskedasic Painting”
  2. 1982: Completed the painting entitled “Plum, Orchid, Bamboo and Ganoderma” with Zhang Daqian, Zhao Shao’ang and Guan Shanyue
  3. 1997: Invented “Calligraphy from the Mind”
  4. 1999: Was selected as one of 99 most accomplished and influential artists in China in the 20th century by Chinese Academy of Art, the Artist Association of China and the National Palace Museum
  5. 2001: Created “A Galaxy on Earth” (8X8.8m) and “This Land is Our Land” (2.5X9.5m) for permanent display at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing
  6. 2004: Invited by the Beijing Olympic Committee to paint “Olympic Spirit: Ode to Happiness”
  7. 2005: Begin the creation of the series of paintings entitled “Nine Court Diagram” and “Universe”
  8. 2008: Invited by the Beijing Olympic Committee to create the painting entitled “Millennium Olympic Odyssey: From Athens to Beijing”
  9. 2009: Created “Voyage of Discovery: Universe” (1.2X15m) for his solo exhibition at “Louis Vuitton Maison”. This painting was acquired by a foundation for USD1,000,000 and the proceeds were donated to charity
  10. 2012: Invited by the International Olympic Committee to paint “Millennium Olympic Odyssey: From the Great Wall to River Thames”, which was exhibited at the Barbican Centre, London during the Olympic Games, it was also awarded a Gold Medal at the Olympic Fine Arts Exhibition
  11. 2013: Selected as “one of eight most influential artists in Hong Kong History” by Professor Laurence Chi-Sing Tam, the Founding Chief Curator of Hong Kong Museum of Art
  12. 2013: Invited by the SNBA to exhibit his artwork at the Exhibition of International Masters in the Carrousel du Louvre, France