Business Art Science Introduction Charity
林文傑自1980年便致力公益與慈善工作。1982年,林教授和奧比斯創辦人大衛·佩頓教授帶領『奧比斯國際眼科飛行醫院』首次訪問中國,又於1999年創辦『世界眼科組織』 (WEO),主旨在中國貧窮地區推行防盲治盲工作。截至2014年,世界眼科組織已經在中國建立了九個眼科中心和組織。計劃未來每個省都建立至少一個眼科中心,更將此項目推廣至世界其他國家。此外,林教授亦曾贊助美國心臟協會、視網膜研究基金會、香港保良局、東井圓佛會、香港傷殘青年協會、香港眼科基金會、香港明德國際醫院等慈善組織。二零零九年,林教授的作品“宇宙探索之旅”為一個基金會以一百萬美元收購,善款悉數捐贈給慈善組織。

Professor Dominic Man-Kit Lam started his charity career in 1980, and in 1982, Lam and Professor David Paton, Founder of Project Orbis, the charitable ophthalmic airplane, visited China for the first time. On December 18, 1999, Lam founded World Eye Organization (WEO) to prevent and treat eye diseases, especially for the poor. As of to-date, WEO has established 9 eye centers and institutes in China. It is hoped that eventually there will be at least one such center in each province, and this project will be extended to other parts of the world. Dr. Lam has participated in a number of charitable organizations as a director or philanthropist, including American Heart Association, Po Leung Kuk, Tung Cheng Yuen Buddhist Association, Hong Kong Federation of Handicapped Youth, Retina Research Foundation, Hong Kong Eye Foundation, Matilda International Hospital, etc. In 2009 Lam’s painting “A Voyage of Discovery: Universe” was acquired by a foundation for US $1 million and donated to charity.